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Privacy protection and cookies policy

Legal basis

The basis for the cookie notification message is the amended Electronic Communications Act (Official Gazette No. 109/2012; hereafter ZEKom-1), which entered into force in early 2013 and introduced new rules regarding the use of cookies and similar technologies for storing information or access to information stored on the user’s computer or mobile device.

What are cookies and why a website needs them

A cookie is a small text file that is downloaded to a user’s computer when they visit the website and usually contains:

  • The name of the server from which the cookie was sent
  • Cookie’s lifetime
  • Value – usually a randomly generated unique number

The cookie itself, does not contain or collect information. However, when read by the server along with a web browser, this can help the site perform more user-friendly services, for example, by remembering previous purchases or user account information. Only the server that sent the cookie can read and use this cookie. On a trustworthy website, cookies can enrich the experience. However, cookies can also be used in ways that constitute an invasion of an individual’s privacy. Cookies can be stored for different lengths of time, just for the duration of the browsing session, or much longer.

Which cookies we use on the site and why

On the website we use only cookies, which are permitted in accordance with the ZEKom-1 law. Only cookies that are strictly necessary for the operation of this website are being used. To record statistics of page traffic, we use a system that records only a session cookie and does not follow your further behaviour on the website or in connection with other pages. By continuing to use this website, you agree to the use of cookies described below.


Rakuten Advertising is a third party company that uses cookies on the website, you can view their privacy policy at this address:

A list of cookies collected by the online store

cookie name Description
__kla_id This cookie is stored by our partner Klaviyo and helps us to create e-mail marketing which is more attractive to users.
cookie_consent This cookie is stored when the user reads the notification about the use of cookies on our page.
page_location_cookie This cookie stores the last location of the user on the page.
lastSeen_cookie This cookie stores the last 60 products visited by the user on the site.
woocommerce_cart_hash Saves a coded variable that contains all the contents of the shopping cart.
woocommerce_items_in_cart This cookie stores if there are products in the shopping cart.
wordpress_logged_in This cookie is stored when the user is logged in to the site.
wordpress_test_cookie This cookie checks if the browser has cookies enabled.
wp_woocommerce_session A session cookie used by WooCommerce from version v2.1 onwards.
__utma Website traffic statistics – Google Analytics
__utmb Website traffic statistics – Google Analytics
__utmc Website traffic statistics – Google Analytics
__utmz Website traffic statistics – Google Analytics
icts.rmuid – third party – 365 days
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